SAN FRANCISCO—It was announced on Tuesday, July 16, that the Asian Arts Museum suffered a ransomware attack from hackers in May, but the museum did not pay the ransom set by the hackers, ABC 7 News reported.

In May, hackers attacked the museum’s computer system disabling most or all of the systems in place. The museum did not disclose how much money the hackers asked for, but indicated they contacted authorities when it transpired. 

No details on how long the system was down for has been disclosed to the public. In addition, no details regarding personal or classified information has not been disclosed. The attack was confined to just the computer systems and the city’s IT security experts where able to get the devices back online. No other city agencies were struck with any ransomware attacks during the incident.

In May 2019, the city of Baltimore suffered a cyberattack that left the computer systems offline. In June 2019, Riviera Beach was hit by a ransomware attack that demanded a ransom of 65 Bitcoins, a total of $600,000 to regain access to its computer system.