Labor Week

A Lie On Top Of A Lie

UNITED STATES—I sometimes have to ask myself why do some people tell some of the most outrageous lies? I mean I hate to even say this as an adult, but I understand why we sometimes lie. We want to protect people or in some odd psychology we want to cover our bases, but at the end of the day...

When Is A Bargain A Good One?

UNITED STATES—There are those people who have the luxury of purchasing items without having to worry about price, but then there are those of us who make it our mission to find a good deal at all costs. Look, you can still get high-quality items at a great price. There are so many people who think you have to...

Keep Your Conversation Down

UNITED STATES—This has become a bit of a pet peeve of mine for years, and I know I’m not the only person. Why is it when people have a conversation on their cell phone, blue tooth or mobile device they have this need to be louder than normal? You could be at the bank, the post office, a restaurant,...

Responsibilities For Young Adults

UNITED STATES—I had an interesting discussion with someone recently about what constitutes someone as an adult. Is it turning the age 18, what about 21, is it having a job, owning a house, having children. I mean we all have our own interpretation of what it means to be an adult, however, my focus is more on when do...

Home Cooked Meal Vs. Fast Food

UNITED STATES—There are just those days that you do not feel like slaving in the kitchen. I don’t mean that literally, but I know so many people who will do almost anything to prevent from having to cook. Myself on the other hand, I enjoy cooking in the kitchen; I just hate doing it when I’m super exhausted. I...

Celebrating Mom

UNITED STATES—In a few short days one of the busiest days for eating out, purchasing flowers, candies, clothing, jewelry and so many other things will dawn on us. No, I’m not talking about Christmas; I’m referring to Mother’s Day. It is a big holiday where we take a few moments to show appreciation to the woman who brought us...

Thinking Rationally

UNITED STATES—Sometimes in the heat of the moment we just say things not realizing what we just said could have a dramatic impact on others, as well as ourselves. This got me thinking. A lot of the time we just talk without thinking, but why is that? Why don’t we take a few moments to process our thoughts before...

Glued To Social Media And Technology

UNITED STATES—My sister shared something with me that baffled me: my niece is so drawn to her phone that she would be on it all day if it never had to be charged. She was sharing a story about how her daughter was supposed to be sleep as she had school the next morning. Granted, my niece is only...

Life Trajectory Changes

UNITED STATES—In a short few weeks I am going to accomplish something that I never thought possible in my life: I’m about to graduate with a Master’s Degree. Yeah, the past 3 years have been some of the roughest, busiest and exhausting of my life. At times I didn’t think it was possible to juggle two jobs, be a...

Frustrated With Work

UNITED STATES—Work it is part of every Americans life. We have to work in order to survive. When I say survive I’m referring to the basic elements of life like shelter, food and clothing. However, why is the psychology of work so tiring on so many Americans? It’s an honest question I’m posing because I know we all struggle...