Point of View

Control Your Spending Habits People

UNITED STATES—I’d like to think that I have strong spending habits America. You might say to yourself that you know how to resist temptation when you have to, especially when it involves your wallet. However, is that true or are you just telling yourself that to make yourself look better. I recently decided to evaluate my expenses for a...

Eating Healthy Should Not Break The Bank

UNITED STATES—There is something that I have been attempting to do for quite some time that is not easy. I’ve been trying to eat a lot healthier. The problem with trying to eat healthy is that is not as cost-effective. I mean gluten free and organic products should NOT be double or triple the cost of regular products. I...

Black Friday Mayhem

UNITED STATES—Are you ready to shop? The biggest shopping holiday of the year, Black Friday or as many people know it, the day after Thanksgiving is about a week away America. Some of those ads from those big retailers have already dropped, others are still pending and some, they might NOT even release ads this year at all, but...

Changing What You Eat

UNITED STATES—When you have a bad habit, it is very hard to break that habit. This is especially true when it comes to food. We live in a world where so many of us love to indulge in everything quick, fast and in a hurry. I’m not referring solely to fast-food, but also processed food. We like to consume...

When Young Adults Should Become Adults!

UNITED STATES—It is a conversation I think we should be having more often. Why are some young adults not being introduced into adulthood a lot sooner? Well, I guess that all goes back to the parents because if you don’t teach responsibilities at some age you’re going to have children who become spoiled brats if they don’t take on...

Finance Planning For The Year Ahead

UNITED STATES—For many Americans 2023 was not a great year financially, hell, some would argue 2022 was far worse with the massive gas prices amongst other things. I actually feel 2023 was a lot worse because the inflation seemed to reach a level of stability where it hit American's wallets in the worst possible way. You may have made...

Homework Mayhem

UNITED STATES—Homework, it is the one thing each of us struggled with during our lifetime. You can argue that some homework serves no purpose, but in all essence, it is crucial to build your mental skills and solidify your abilities in certain areas of study. I am bringing this issue to the forefront because I’m starting to realize some...

Banking Habits 101

UNITED STATES—How often do you go to the bank? For me it’s at least ONCE a week, maybe TWICE depending on how much business I need to take care of. However, you might be stunned to hear this from me, but I have NEVER in my entire life utilized an ATM machine. I know that’s crazy right!? It is,...

Choose Passion Over Money!

UNITED STATES—Oh college, I remember those good ole days America, I remember being fresh out of high school, heading to a Big Ten university to pursue my undergraduate studies and trying to determine what I wanted to major in. There is a multitude of majors to decide from, but I will never forget people telling me to select a...

Retailers Are Experiencing Limited Stock

UNITED STATES—If there was ever a lesson I learned about 2020 it is that you should always be prepared. The pandemic kicked so many of us in gear about taking care of our health and being more conscious of the things we do and the things we do not. In addition, we discovered that things that we have come...