Point of View

Navigating The Turbulence: The Atlanta Falcons’ Road To Revival

UNITED STATES—The Atlanta Falcons, a team steeped in a rich history within the NFL, have recently undergone significant changes and faced challenges that have shaped their current state and future prospects. This article delves into the key events and decisions that have marked the team's recent journey, particularly focusing on developments up to Jan. 17, 2024. The Atlanta Falcons' Challenging...

A Very Different Thanksgiving America

UNITED STATES—In less than a few days the biggest feast of the entire year will be upon us, Thanksgiving. Last week we chatted about preparation or the big day, but it now dawns on many Americans, that turkey day 2020 will NOT be like those of the past. Why not? COVID-19 is the reason people. Rather you believe in...

Money Management 101

UNITED STATES—It’s 2015, and it’s almost a given we’ve all made resolutions that might have already been broken. Then again some of us might have had those resolutions stick (at the current moment). One of my resolutions was to get my finances in order. Yes, money the root of all evil, but at the same time the one thing...

The Visit With The Heart Doctor

UNITED STATES—I will be the first to admit this, I do not like going to the doctor. I actually have a fear of going to the doctor. I fear that aspect of receiving bad news and that paralyzes me completely. I recently got news after a doctor visit that caught the attention of my Primary Care Physician. He said...

Gift Card Mania

UNITED STATES—Christmas may indeed be over, but the shopping/spending frenzy is still upon us? Why do you ask? Well, those gift cards that many of us received during the holiday. I used to be a big proponent against gift cards. Why? Well I thought it was a way of someone saying, “Well, I didn’t want to put too much...

Excessive Shopping

UNITED STATES—Do you know some people who shop too much? I guess the first question we have to ask is what is considered excessive shopping. I would argue visiting the mall or your favorite big box once a week is not excessive. On the flip side, if you’re at the mall or that place seven days a week you...

I Hate Technology Sometimes

UNITED STATES—Technology can be great for the most part, but at times it can be so frustrating you don’t know what to do with yourself. Some of you might be asking why this has become a conversation for the week? Well it’s easy, I had done some strenuous writing earlier in the week and I am certain, take that...

Censorship In America

UNITED STATES—America its time for us to have a serious conversation about an issue that is plaguing our country involving Freedom of Speech.  The First Amendment is one of those laws that almost all Americans are well aware of.  There’s just one problem with the idea behind Freedom of Speech: you really don’t have it.  The law prevents the...

Sales Mania!

UNITED STATES—Working in sales is a tough industry.  A majority of individuals who are working in sales earn commission. That is the key word: commission. Some have a base pay and commission; others are getting paid solely on commission.  That is something that scares many consumers.  You go into a retail shop looking for a product and before you...

Curbing Bad Habits

UNITED STATES—It is not easy ridding one’s self of a bad habit, but with continual trial and error things do get better. I’ve been on a mission to curb my desire to grab a soda or pop or caffeinated beverage (depending on what region you live in) for years. Things have gotten significantly better. I don’t see myself always...