Photo courtesy of Petcentric.

SAN FRANCISCO – Everyone has the innate desire for companionship.   We have our friends and families. Some of us are lucky enough to meet a person that we will share the rest of our natural lives with.

For some of us these relationships are enough to satiate the longing for companionship and our innate need for friendship.  But human relationships are never perfect.  Families will fight with each other on occasion; Husbands and wives may fall out of love; and friends will sometimes drift apart and feud.

But there is one relationship that has always been steadfast and loyal throughout history.  A companion that has been there greeting us with enthusiasm and cheer on our best days and providing comfort and love on our worst day. This companion is Man’s best friend; The dog.

Yet not everyone has the resources to take care of a dog full time.  Busy schedules and  certain lifestyles may conflict with the responsibility that comes from pet ownership.  It’s a big commitment and you can’t take a dog for a test walk.   Enter City Dog Share, whose motto is “I will watch your dog if you can Watch mine!”

The non-profit co-op started over a year and half ago in San Francisco and already has branched out to Seattle, Portland, and Humboldt County.  This virtual community helps network dog owners who may not always be around to care for their furry friends with potential dog owners who are looking give pet ownership a try, without the fear of commitment.

The service is Facebook based and boasts over 600 members in San Francisco alone, seeking to fill in the gaps in the lives of humans who desire the companionship that comes with a dog, but lack the essentials to commit to full-time ownership.

Dog Lovers who live in no-pet apartments can build a relationship with a dog and take them for walks.  People who have busy work weeks can have a dog to play with for the weekend.   Those with travel oriented careers that need to leave down for a few days can leave their pets in kind caring hands.  It’s all the convenience of a zip-car with the love and companionship that man’s best friend has to offer, and no worry of your dog being cooped up in a kennel.

Supporters of the organization believe City Dog Share can also help animal shelters and rescue groups find homes for abandoned pets.

Members of City Dog share interact and meet through the organizations Facebook page.  Perspective members can apply there too.  All members are held to strict standards; however the community of dog sharing is self-policing and makes no claims to responsibility for any mishaps that may occur.