HOLLYWOOD—It was news that had sci-fi geeks across the nation rejoicing.  On Thursday, January 24 it was revealed that J.J. Abrams would be stepping behind the camera to direct the next installment in the “Star Wars” franchise.

This will be the seventh picture in the franchise as the last installment “Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” was released in 2005.  “Star Wars Episode I: “The Phantom Menace,” “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith” were part of a new trilogy for the franchise that explained the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker as he became Darth Varder.

What direction the new picture is headed in is not yet known.  Details will likely be revealed later in development.  Abrams has done exceptional work on the small and big screen in the recent years.  He first rose to fame with the television drama “Felicity” starring Keri Russell.  He followed the success of that series with his spy-thriller “Alias” starring Jennifer Garner.

Abrams eventually transitioned into movies making his big-screen directorial debut with “Mission Impossible III” starring Tom Cruise. He received critical praise for his reboot of the “Star Trek” franchise when a new installment was released to audiences in 2009.  He also received high accolades for his monster mystery “Super 8” in 2011.  The new “Star Wars’ picture is expected to arrive in theaters in 2015.

By LaDale Anderson