San Francisco Police Department

SAN FRANCISCO—Police seized a large amount of ecstasy on Sunday, August 11, which was the last day of the Outside Lands Music Festival in Golden Gate Park. Police officers responded to a call from an apartment on Mission Street and 29th Street. The individual said that there was a person attempting to break into the apartment complex at around 9 a.m.

When police officials arrived at the scene, they found a broken window and a blood trail. The blood trail reportedly led to one apartment and the police knocked on the door. The man who answered had a bleeding hand, as well as blood on his clothes, according to San Francisco Police.

Officers then entered the home to see if anyone inside had been injured and that is when they reportedly found 23 kilograms of ecstasy, 30,000 ecstasy pills, and $30,000. According to San Francisco Police, the drugs in the apartment were worth more than $1.5 million. The police initially suspected these drugs were intended to go to the Outside Lands Music Festival, but there was no evidence to support this theory.

Several arrests were made at the music festival, but were alcohol related. Authorities do not believe that the ecstasy pills were distributed at the festival.

By Nedda Alishahi