SAN FRANCISCO—A 33-year-old motorcyclist driving by a fight in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco was hit by a stray bullet on Monday, April 9, the San Francisco Police Department reported.

Two men, ages 19 and 23, were arguing near Turk and Taylor Streets, when a fight broke out around 8:37 p.m. on Monday when the 19-year-old fired a gun.

A motorcyclist passing by the two men was grazed by the bullet near his lower torso. According to reports, he did not seek medical treatment.  Police arrested the shooter on suspicion of aggravated assault with a firearm. Authorities have not released the name of the suspect name who fired the shot. The 23-year-old was cited for falsely identifying himself to officers, and later released.

According to reports, the 23 year-old may not have been the intended target. The SFPD is still investigating a motive for the shooting by interviewing witnesses and bystanders in the area. The motorcyclist was not involved in the dispute.