SAN FRANCISCO—San Francisco drivers will be facing new changes limiting their ability to make turns onto certain streets in San Francisco’s downtown areas around the Financial District. 

As part of an effort to decrease traffic deaths, changes will be implemented to San Francisco Market Street for drivers. Starting Tuesday, August 11, private vehicles will not be allowed to turn during a six-block-span on Market Street, between 3rd and 8th Street. Motorists driving on 3rd through 8th Street will not be allowed to turn onto Market Street, and will be forced to proceed straight across.

An exception to the new law will be granted to Muni buses, delivery tucks, taxis, and city shuttles.

According to Nicole Ferrara of Walk S.F., “Market Street is one of the 6 percent of streets that accounts for over 60 percent of severe and fatal pedestrian deaths in San Francisco.” Research conducted by city officials stated over 150 accidents occurred between 3rd and 8th Street during a two year span. Though private cars only accounted for 30 percent of all traffic on these sections of the streets, nearly 80 percent of collisions were caused by private vehicles.

Director of Transportation, Ed Reiskin, stated that the new restrictions will be “a significant change [in an effort to] bring order to chaos.” Reiskin believes that the majority of private vehicle drivers in these areas of Market Street are tourists and visitors coming from out of town “looking at a map or GPS device, not paying attention.”  

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency also believes that the implementation of this new traffic law will eliminate traffic fatalities and allow for a safer area for pedestrians. 

Driving violations within the area will cost motorists a $238 citation. The new law is part of Vision Zero, a city-wide effort committed to safer streets and have “zero traffic deaths in San Francisco by 2024.”

A map of changes to take place along Market and 3rd through 8th Street.<br>The San Francisco News
A map of changes to take place along Market and 3rd through 8th Street.
The San Francisco News