SAN FRANCISCO—Protests against the San Francisco Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices continued for the Month of Momentum.

The first protest took place in front of the ICE office on August 1. It took place over two days and resulted in 17 protestors getting citations for illegal lodging. 

Paul Price, a spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security, released a public statement saying, “In response to recent protests, ICE has taken additional security measures to ensure employee safety and the security of all offices. ICE operations across the country have and will continue to proceed as normal despite these events.”

For the Month of Momentum, all protests begin at 12:00 p.m. and end at around 1:00 p.m. They have also been taking place outside of company offices such as the downtown Amazon facility. Protesters were also outside of Senator Feinstein’s office, as well as an attempt to pressure her to defund ICE.