Tag: exercise

Exercise, Even If You Do Not Want To

UNITED STATES—Oh, exercise, I am certain it is something so many of us hate doing, but let’s face it, in order to stay healthy,...

Committing To Eating Healthy, Not Easy But Worth It

UNITED STATES—There is something I have discovered in recent weeks, eating healthy is not easy, but if you commit you will see the benefits...

Eat Less, Move More

UNITED STATES—I am just going to call it: we are lazy when it comes to exercise. Too many Americans are gluttonous when it comes...

The Push To Exercise When You Don’t Want To

UNITED STATES—Ugh, exercising. It just is not that fun America, but the honest truth is we have to exercise or have some sort of...

Exercise Sometimes Requires A Schedule

UNITED STATES—We have all been told that we need to exercise more, we have to engage in actually physical activity at least 4-5 days...

Exercise Regimen Requires Discipline

UNITED STATES—If there is one thing I have learned about exercising is that it requires discipline and a plan. For those out there who...

Get Off The Couch People!

UNITED STATES—I really can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ll be honest, I am SO GLAD I am realizing this. I recently had a...

Exercise Starts With A Commitment

UNITED STATES—Commitment. It is a word that many of us fear. However, it is a commitment that pushes us to accomplish things that we...

Quarantine Health Crisis

UNITED STATES—We can sit here and ignore the elephant in the room if we want, but the truth remains, many Americans put on a...

You Are Responsible For Your Health

UNITED STATES—Health, it’s a loaded word, especially when people ask you how is your health. We are always inclined to say all is great,...