Movie Going

“Sisters” Is Flat-Out Funny

HOLLYWOOD—There is no doubting that “Saturday Night Live” alums Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are funny ladies. But what happens when you take these two comedic geniuses and team them up for the slightly over-the-top comedy “Sisters?” Well you get bellyaches that will have you hurting for days. The premise of “Sisters” revolves around Kate (Tina Fey) and Maura (Amy...

“Daddy’s Home” Charms With Laughter

HOLLYWOOD—Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell teamed up together back in 2010 for the comedy “The Other Guys” which I found to be one of the funniest flicks of the year. Not to mention it showcased Wahlberg as someone who could do funny just as well as comedy. Well the two have teamed up once again for the family comedy...

“The Force Awakens” Dominates Theaters

HOLLYWOOD—Well I can’t remember the last time I recall a movie drawing in such impressive numbers at the box-office. Perhaps, “The Sixth Sense” and “Avatar” which continued to mesmerize moviegoers week after week, but you can now add “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” to that list. The sequel earned an impressive $153.5 million during its second week in theaters....

“Concussion” Tackles The NFL

HOLLYWOOD—There is a phenomenal piece of dialogue in the movie “Concussion” that resonated with me. “You’re taking on a corporation that owns a day of the week.” Wow, yes it’s something the spectator will take a moment to resonate with, but the National Football League is indeed powerful. The sports drama starring Oscar-nominee Will Smith is a tale of a...

“The Revenant” Is Masterful Acting, Filmmaking

HOLLYWOOD—I’ve attempted to wrap my head around for YEARS just when actor Leonardo DiCaprio would finally get that shot at Oscar. I mean this guy has delivered riveting performance after performance in such flicks like “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape,” “Titanic,” “The Departed,” “Blood Diamond,” “Revolutionary Road” and “The Wolf of Wall Street” to say the least. His latest expeditionary flick...

“Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Road Chip” Delivers Laughs

HOLLYWOOD—It is hard to fathom that in a short span of 8 years we have had a total of FOUR, yes count it, four “Alvin and the Chipmunks” flicks. Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the notion of how I got stuck taking my nieces and nephews to see the latest installment each time it arrives...

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Destroys Box-Office

HOLLYWOOD—Well, we knew numbers for the latest entry in the “Stars Wars” franchise would do big numbers, but never to this magnitude. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” broke box-office records left and right this weekend. For starters, the movie opened across the nation Thursday night, with more than $57 million in receipts. On Friday, the flick broke box-office records...

“The Big Short,” Fascinating Piece Of Cinema

HOLLYWOOD—Hmm, have you ever wondered precisely what happened in 2008 when the housing market crashed in the United States? Still trying to pinpoint precisely what the banks were secretly doing where they were able to give out those massive loans to people who didn’t qualify for them. Well, just like Hollywood, we now have a movie that attempts to...

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Ignites New Excitement

HOLLYWOOD—Unless you have been living under a rock, that is the only possible way you could not have heard of a tiny movie called “Star Wars” that was about to be unleashed on the world. Yes, I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the biggest “Star Wars” fan. To be honest, I’ve only seen glimpses of “Star Wars,”...

“The Good Dinosaur,” Strong Message, Not So Exciting

HOLLYWOOD—Well “Jurassic World” created the notion of a world where dinosaurs and humans could possibly co-exist, we all know that is a stretch. However, “The Good Dinosaur” presents that ideology in an animated foray in a pre-historic era. The movie which is directed by Peter Sohn revolves around a group of dinosaurs and humans who attempt to co-exist in a...
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