Time For Some Gaming
UNITED STATES—I will admit the gaming experience feels a bit more different being older than when I was a youngster. I don’t game as much as I did as a kid, but whenever I do get a free moment, if I have it, I try to game a bit because it is an escape for me. When it comes...
Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things
UNITED STATES—The holidays are over, and things are starting to simmer down a bit, which means, time to get back into the groove. Yes, Christmas is over, and the New Year has been celebrated. The kiddos are back in school, those vacations that most had the luxury of enjoying are over and people are back at the office or...
I Need Citizenship Paperwork To Enroll In Medicare…?
UNITED STATES—Dear Toni: I had no problem opening the “My Social Security” account to enroll in Medicare because I knew those answers. When it came to filling out the application for Medicare that was another story.
I had a problem with some of Medicare’s personal questions. I knew my name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, etc. When it...
Contacting Local Congressperson For Medicare/Social Security Issues
UNITED STATES—Toni: Last week’s Medicare Part D question was from Tonya had regarding discovering that she and her husband are receiving an “extra” Part D premium, which she never knew about. You advised her to contact her local Congressional office to help appeal the Medicare issue.
I now must fight Social Security because they are under the impression that I...
What Is Medicare’s General Enrollment Period?
UNITED STATES—Toni: I turned 65 in June, 2 years ago and did not enroll in Medicare because I do not have any health issues. A friend advised me to enroll in Medicare during Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period. I received a letter stating that because I did not enroll in Medicare when I turned 65 that I have been denied...
The Christmas Movie Mayhem Gets Me
UNITED STATES—It happened to me America, and I did not expect it to happen. I got caught up in the Christmas movie lore. How so? It was a bit of a late night, first day I’ve had off since I can remember to be honest. I wanted to sleep, but I didn’t at the same time, so I was...
Hate Making Returns? Join The Club
UNITED STATES—If there is one thing that I truly hate doing it is making returns. Why? They can sometimes be time consuming, and you feel guilty about having to return something that you purchased. I don’t do returns all that often, but sometimes you purchase something, and your mind just changes on the item. In most cases, if it's...
Kids’ Eye Health For Better Academic Performance
UNITED STATES—In a groundbreaking study, researchers at Johns Hopkins University revealed a significant link between clear vision and academic success. The study, considered one of the largest clinical trials of its kind, found that students who received glasses through a school-based program demonstrated improved reading and math scores. These findings highlight a crucial aspect of learning: vision.
For millions of...
What Is A Good Deal?
UNITED STATES—Black Friday has come early America. Technically it is supposed to be the day after Thanksgiving, for 2024, that would be November 29. However, that does not seem to be the case. It literally started like the first week of November and with most retailers the Black Friday melee started the actual week of Thanksgiving.
For those in the...
Watching What You Eat Over The Holidays
UNITED STATES—Are you ready because the gluttony is about to begin? Yes, the Thanksgiving feast is upon us and Americans are about to enlarge their bellies with plenty of food. However, there are ways to stay healthy without overdoing it this holiday season. For starters, try to eat something before the big feast. I know so many of us...