UNITED STATES—Technology it is supposed to make your life easier, but sometimes it makes you wonder just precisely why things become more complicated than what they are. This is where communication comes front and center, and the dreaded cellphone. I realized something about myself in the past six months. I don’t like texting and I cannot believe I just uttered that out loud.

I used to be a massive fan of a text because it was the easiest way to send something quick to someone and get a reply. However, we are not that quick with texting and things can be confused with TEXT. Texting is not a suitable way to convey emotions. You cannot read emotion in a TEXT, you can try, but a lot of the time its not always great because they are words.

When you speak with someone via phone you can clearly and quickly communicate a matter. If something is unclear in a text you might be doing plenty of back and forth that at times can confuse you or make what you think is a common situation so much worse. With that said, I’m on board with a pal of mine. If there is something you need me to know that is going to take more than one text message to tell me, then pick up the phone.

Why? How long it takes you to send that text, you can have things carefully explained and get whatever answer or answers you have to your question a lot sooner than you expect. I had not really thought of that until someone broke it down for me and it made perfect sense. We’re not effectively communicating at times when we text when we can actually call.

Look it is completely understandable for those who can only communicate via text, but for those of us who can actually pick up the phone and actually chat with friends and loved ones, why do we not do it? I think that is the bigger question we have to ask ourselves. I think a lot of people avoid calling because they know a one-minute phone call might turn into a 30-minute phone call and many just don’t want to indulge in such.

If that is the case, the follow-up question becomes why not? Hearing a loved one’s voice is a great feeling, especially after having a conversation with someone who may have been quite ill. You are able to connect with them and listen to tone at the same time. You can pick up on a potential issue that you cannot always do with a text. A person will immediately tell you all is fine, when in reality they are struggling and not willing to admit those struggles in a text.

Text is the new way of saying, I want to talk, but I really don’t wanna talk. I think we send text messages as a way of avoiding communication at times with others. We want a quick response to our inquiry and if we get that, we’re totally satisfied which can be both a good and bad thing. However, at the same time texting is the new form of communication, and we just have to convey what we feel or mean a bit better in a text message so nothing is loss in the path of communication between two or more parties.

Let’s not even get to the dreaded group chat because you’ll need a column or two or three to really go into detail with that mayhem.

Written By Jason Jones