Point of View

A Good Walk Goes A Long Way

UNITED STATES—Let’s face it, Americans do not like to exercise. It is just a stark reality, but there are things that we can do to improve our physical and overall health. Precisely what does that mean? It means doing a little bit each day goes a long way. I will be the first to admit I’m a bit of...

To Loan Or Not To Loan Money?

UNITED STATES—I’m going over my expenses, income and finances and I’m not happy. I’m starting to realize that I’m spending money that I have not accounted for and that is a problem. I know my monthly expenses when it comes to electricity, gas, mortgage, cell phone, Cable, internet, insurance, transportation and groceries. After all the bills are paid, the...

What’s The Difference In Home Health Care And At-Home Care?

UNITED STATES—Dear Toni, I need your help regarding my parents who are in their late 80s. My mother has been disabled with Parkinson’s for the past three years and my father has been her caretaker, but due to his recent heart attack, he can no longer assist her. They do not have a long-term care plan, and discussing having live-in...

Sustaining Interest, Excitement In Long-Term Romantic Partnerships In SF

UNITED STATES—In long-term romantic relationships, the foundation for continued satisfaction often rests on the quality of communication between partners. Studies underscore the significance of responding positively to each other's bids for attention. Specifically, a long-term study revealed that couples who stayed married after six years demonstrated an 87% "bid-response" ratio, contrasted with a mere 33% among couples who eventually...

Test Taking Predicts Nothing

UNITED STATES—For many Americans, especially if you’re still in school or you have children, they are likely in the chaos of taking exams or preparing to take tests whether it is for the semester, end of the year, SAT, ACT, LSAT, GRE or so many more, test taking is part of education. However, I have started to question the...

Cash Is King

UNITED STATES—I have heard this phrase time and time again, “Cash is King,” but is it truly? I know so many people nowadays who barely and I mean barely carry $5 in their wallet. Everyone relies on technology and plastic and that is quite dangerous, very dangerous. This has become a massive trend as of late, and I CANNOT...

A Hustle Is Always A Good Thing

UNITED STATES—Let’s just be frank America, many Americans have side hustles. Yes, you might have your typical 9-5 or that job that is your primary income, hell you might have a part-time gig as well, but then you have that side hustle that helps you bring in extra cash flow or income you might need for other things that...

The Streaming Wars Continue

UNITED STATES—When the notion of streaming first started to gain steam, I want to say perhaps six or seven years ago, I thought it might be a fluke, but that is NOT the case. Streaming is the new norm, if you’re not streaming than what the hell are you doing? The problem is that every streaming service is completely...

Resisting Impulse Purchases

UNITED STATES—I know I am not the only person who suffers from it, I’m referring to impulse purchases. I feel sometimes we have this engrained notion that if we go shopping or we visit an establishment where we can purchase goods we find this exact desire to purchase something. It feels almost foreign to visit an establishment and not...

Does Common Sense Exist Anymore?

UNITED STATES—I really don’t understand the behavior in this country anymore. It just feels like people do not care about others. Things have to operate their way and be damned what others think. It is almost like the notion of chivalry being dead. I don’t think chivalry is dead. There are guys out there who are still gentlemen and...
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