Firewood Still Warms Some Homes
UNITED STATES—Firewood was much more popular only a few decades ago. It was readily available from displaced orchards and nearby forests. Fireplaces and even a few woodstoves were not yet so uncommon. People were more motivated to cut and split firewood. More than now purchased it already cut and split. For heating, gas and electricity were more expensive.
Firewood is...
Fall Foliage Is Gaining Color
Fall foliage is underappreciated here. It is not naturally prominent enough to suggest that it should be otherwise. Most native vegetation is evergreen. Most that is deciduous turns simple hues of yellow, without much orange or red. Some just gets shabby and brown as it defoliates with minor chill. Native vegetation does not represent total potential, though.
Contrary to common...
Spring Bulbs Benefit From Vernalization
UNITED STATES—Spring bulbs obviously bloom for spring. Less obviously, they vernalize with winter chill. They are seasonable about now because this is when they should get into their gardens. Many prefer to be interred into their shallow graves by Halloween. Many can wait as late as New Year's Day. If too much later, some may not experience enough chill...
Shedding Foliage Often Precedes Defoliation
UNITED STATES—Indian summer is more typical here than not. As usual, the weather cooled somewhat as summer finished, and then warmed again. It is now autumn by date, but still seems to be summer by weather. This might confuse some vegetation, although some is familiar with this pattern. Some vegetation reacts by shedding foliage prematurely, prior to dormancy.
Prematurely shedding...
Banana Trees Actually Produce Bananas
UNITED STATES—Banana trees, much like palms, arboriform yuccas and cordylines, are herbaceous trees. They develop no secondary xylem, or wood. What seems to be trunks are pseudostems, which are just leaves in very tight bundles. These pseudostems grow from subterranean corms, which can grow rather big. Each pseudostem is monocarpic, so dies after bloom.
Although they are very easy to...
Palm Trees Deserve Special Accommodation
UNITED STATES—Palm trees qualify as trees merely because of their size and form. The most familiar sorts here develop trunks, and many grow quite tall. The smallest houseplant palms can grow as tall as dwarf citrus trees. Mexican fan palm can grow almost a 100 feet tall. Palms are monocots, though, so are not actually woody. Technically, they are...
Gathering Seed To Grow Later
UNITED STATES—Deadheading, or the removal of deteriorating bloom, is contrary to the purpose of bloom. It conserves resources for subsequent bloom or vegetative growth. It neatens associated vegetation. Deadheading is certainly justifiable. However, it eliminates most seed before it can develop. Seed is the priority of bloom. Gathering seed can be a good compromise.
Techniques for gathering seed are as...
Succession Planting Prolongs Vegetable Harvest
UNITED STATES—Winter vegetables might inspire both enthusiasm and trepidation as their season begins. Sowing their seed and plugging their seedlings into a fresh garden is delightful. Concern for their performance while summery warmth continues is not. It may take a while, but the weather will eventually cool. Later phases of succession planting will enjoy it even more.
Succession planting, which...
Winter Vegetables Are Starting Now
UNITED STATES—Winter bedding plants are a reminder. They become in season at about the same time as winter vegetables. Therefore, as pansies replace petunias, turnips may begin to replace okra. As for bedding plants, it is a slow process that can continue until frost. Some winter vegetables start earlier than others. Some summer vegetables produce later than others.
For example,...
Cool Season Bedding Plants Begin
UNITED STATES—There is no rush yet. Some cool season bedding plants can go into their gardens as late as autumn. Ornamental kale and cyclamen can be as late as winter if necessary. Locally, autumn and winter can be a bit later than elsewhere. Also, different cool season bedding plants rely on different schedules. Ornamental kale and cyclamen actually prefer...