Gardening With Tony

Arid Weather Increases Water Consumption

arid weather
UNITED STATES—Superbloom is brief for two main reasons. It involves native species that know to bloom quickly before arid weather of summer. Also, wildflowers in the wild receive no irrigation to sustain bloom through arid weather. With irrigation, some of such species are capable of prolonging bloom. A few can disperse seed for subsequent generations to bloom later. That is...

Ornamental Foliage Augments Spring Color

ornamental foliage
UNITED STATES—Spring bloom is the most colorful color in the garden here. It is not the only color though. Some deciduous foliage will provide color at the opposite end of the year. Bark can add a bit of color, particularly while deciduous trees defoliate for winter. So can colorful fruit. Furthermore, ornamental foliage, both deciduous and evergreen, can contribute...

Superbloom Highlights Local Mediterranean Climate

UNITED STATES—It does not happen often. The average frequency is about 10 to 15 years. However, it occurred in both 2017 and 2019, prior to this spring. That is enough for 30 to 45 years! The current superbloom is only now finishing locally. It may continue through most of May near the coast farther North. The best bloomers enjoy...

Bloom Is Bountiful For Spring

UNITED STATES—Bloom that was delayed by the unusually wintry winter is making up for lost time. Spring bulbs, flowering cherries and deciduous magnolias were amazing. Wisterias and lilacs continue their pastel display within some climates. More flowers bloom during springtime than at any other time of year. Even roses of summer will begin their performance soon. Pollination is the priority...

Shade Imposes Limitations On Gardening

UNITED STATES—Home gardens are becoming shadier. Modern homes are taller to fit closer together. Modern fences are taller to compensate. Densely evergreen trees and large shrubbery compensate more. Taller homes and fences, and denser vegetation, shade more of their smaller modern parcels. Not much sunlight can reach the soil of modern home gardens. Portions of a garden that are too...

Vernalization Enhances Bloom And Growth

UNITED STATES—Some gardens continue to recover from the exceptionally wintry weather of last winter. Frost damaged some plants, and killed a few. Wind damaged trees. Excessive rain caused erosion and saturation. This collectively unpleasant weather inhibited some from maintaining their gardens. Yet, some plants that require vernalization are performing splendidly. It seems like an odd juxtaposition. Bloom of some plants...

California Native Plants Grow Wild

California native plants
UNITED STATES—California native plants seem like they should be very appropriate for home gardens. In the wild, they require neither irrigation nor maintenance. They are quite satisfied with local climate and soil. Of course, gardening with natives is not so simple. Home gardens are very different from wild ecosystems. Furthermore, wild ecosystems here are very different from wild ecosystems elsewhere....

Utility Clearance Can Disfigure Trees

utility clearance
UNITED STATES—Last winter was a doozy! It involved historic frost, snow, rain, wind, floods and mudslides. A few roads remain closed in some regions. Major electrical outages were too numerous for prompt repair. Weather alone did not cause such outages though. It merely dislodged vegetation that did so. This demonstrates the necessity for utility clearance maintenance. Utility pruning is a...

Winter Weather Lingers Into Spring

UNITED STATES—Winter was epic! Snow was more abundant than since 1976. Rain was more continuous than since 1982. Frost was colder than since 1990. All of this happened within this same winter! Californians generally appreciate rain and snow, and tolerate typically minor chill. Chaparral and desert climates here rarely get much. However, this weather is excessive! Furthermore, such excessively cold...

Forcing Early Bloom Even Earlier

UNITED STATES—Some of the earliest of spring flowers are done blooming. More are just beginning. Then, a few early spring flowers barely qualify as early. Their fresh color is especially pleasing after such an atypically wintry winter. Many are delightful cut flowers. A few that bloom on bare deciduous stems are conducive to forcing. Even the earliest bloom could...
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