Life Style & Travel

More Remembering Kevin

UNITED STATES—Because of Kevin’s growing notoriety donning his robes around town, his fame as Jesus of Hollywood spread. Some filmmaking friends of mine who knew him publicly and had no idea he was my friend spoke about him. My curiosity was roused by their misconception of him being a lunatic. Finally, one day in the laundromat I asked, “How...

When Life Gives You Lemons

citrus fruits
UNITED STATES—When life gives you lemons, it is likely this time of year. Although, the most popular garden varieties of lemon, like 'Meyer' and 'Eureka', continue to produce at least a few more fruits sporadically through the year. 'Lisbon' lemon that is still used in orchard production, and is the ancestor of the household 'Eureka' lemon, produces almost all...

Veggies, Veggies And More Veggies!

UNITED STATES—Last week we kicked off the New Year talking about the importance of all things fruit-based. I mean it is the New Year and we all want to eat healthy. With that being said, we transition this week’s conversation to the importance of vegetables. Yes, those pesky little items in the grocery stores that look weird sometimes taste...

Remembering Kevin

UNITED STATES—I knew Jesus before he was Jesus. That’s a line I liked using way more when Kevin, the man who became known as Hollywood Jesus, was among us. This is my prism on his journey, both spectacular and quietly moving. It started in 2001. I am a comedy writer managing a laundromat on Fountain Avenue. It was late at...

Proper Bare Root Planting Technique

groundcover dichondra
UNITED STATES—Bare root plants are less expensive, easier to handle, and easier to prune into a desired form than canned (potted) plants are. Also, they get established into the garden easier. Yes, even with less roots, they disperse their new roots directly into the surrounding soil more efficiently than secondary roots escaping from crowded roots that had been confined...

Amazon Echo Vs. Google Home

UNITED STATES—The idea of autonomous vehicles (and yes it is still just an idea) does not appeal to me, as a car guy. However, automation itself, is not completely unappealing to me. An automated personal assistant for example is something everyone wishes they had. Something to help you with all your tedious/mundane tasks. Something to help keep your life organized...

Fruits, Fruits And More Fruits!

UNITED STATES—The one resolution that tends to be at the top for most Americans in the New Year is eating healthier and losing weight. In essence, most of us are expected to go on a diet. I hate the word diet because it’s super scary, but at the same time it forces one to determine what foods to eat...

Miracle On 42nd St.

UNITED STATES—Morris still lay on the mosaic floor of the hallway. His shoes pointed to the sky; his eyes wide shut. The motionless form seemed to ratify the state of the Deville Manor, whose rooms and apartments over the last two and a half years had silently succumbed to the scampering of rats, the weaving of spiders, the colonization of...

Bare Root Stock Is Here

bare root season blooms
UNITED STATES—Christmas tree lots at nurseries come and go at a good time. Cut and live Christmas trees become marketable just as retail sales of other items is declining. Although autumn is the best season to plant many things, not many of us want to be out in the garden as the weather gets cooler. As Christmas trees get...

New Year, New Resolutions!

UNITED STATES—Well in less than a week we will have to bid farewell to 2017 and say hello to 2018. With the New Year upon us, so many of us will begin to tackle what has become a tradition for so many people: resolutions! I have talked about this before and with good reason people, because so many of...
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