Life Style & Travel

Summer Bulbs After Spring Bulbs

summer bulbs
UNITED STATES—It was easy to bury spring bulbs so discourteously in shallow graves last autumn, prior to concern about summer bulbs. None of them got proper funerals. Perhaps cool season annuals obscured their interment sites. No one needed to know they were there. It seemed like a perfect crime, until now. They are back like the undead. After all,...

Cooler Weather Is Slower Weather

UNITED STATES—Weather is not quite as warm as it had been. Warm days do not last quite as long as they did earlier in summer. Afterward, the longer nights get a bit cooler. Technically, autumn is only a few days from now. Although seasonal changes are mild, and a bit later here than in other regions, they eventually catch...

Evergreen Foliage Has Distinct Advantages

UNITED STATES—Gardening was easier before suburban lifestyles became so passe. Now, larger modern urban homes occupy smaller urban parcels. Modern fences are taller to enhance privacy for such densely situated homes. Garden space is both minimal and shaded by so much infrastructure. Ironically, shady evergreen foliage is now more practical for such gardens. Deciduous trees are still practical for single...

Bare-Root Stock Arrives For Winter

UNITED STATES—Spring is overrated. It is obviously the best season for planting warm season vegetables and bedding plants. It is the most colorful season with more flowers in bloom. There is so much more to gardening though. Most plants prefer autumn planting. Some prefer winter planting. That is why this present bare-root season will be so relevant all through...

Fads Influence Contemporary Garden Design

UNITED STATES—Landscape design and gardening trends change like every other sort of fashion. Several fads of the past were quite practical and justifiable. Many were not. Whether justifiable or not, many merely became old fashioned. Some evolved into a more contemporary style. Others were not so adaptable. Planning for a landscape is easier than planning for fads. For example, plants...

Shade Tolerant Species Genuinely Shine

shade tolerant
UNITED STATES—Home gardens are getting shadier as bigger modern homes occupy smaller modern lots. Bigger homes make bigger shadows. So do their bigger fences that compensate for their minimal proximity to each other. Less space within their smaller gardens extends beyond their shade. Consequently, shade tolerant species have become more popular than ever. Also, small trees have become more popular...

3 Habits To Quit To Protect Your Eyesight

UNITED STATES—Your eyesight is so precious. Think of all the things you wouldn’t be able to do if you lost it, even partially. Yet, we do things every day that can damage our eyesight, and most of the time, we do these things without even thinking about it. This is why it’s good to know just what these bad...

Cost Of Food Is High America

UNITED STATES─Recent reports have surfaced that the cost of food has been on the rise and I know I’m not the only person who has seen it. Yes, price gouging has taken place at many grocers, who should be ashamed of their actions. I mean come on, we’re in a pandemic people, and people are charging crazy rates for...

The Thanksgiving Stress Begins

UNITED STATES—I honestly cannot believe it. Just two weeks ago we were celebrating Halloween, and in less than 2 weeks we will be celebrating the biggest food day of the year: Thanksgiving. I am a fan of the holiday because it is all about food, family and being grateful for the things that you have in your life. So...

Gaming Is My Solace

UNITED STATES─Very little things allow me to completely take my mind off of the real world and the constant stressors or struggles I encounter. However, there is one thing that I do on rare occasion that allows me an escape that I cannot even put into words. It is not cooking, music, reading, movies, TV, exercise. Does anyone have...
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