Point of View

Is Medicare Or Part D Drug Plan More Important When Retiring?

UNITED STATES—Toni: I am retiring January 1 and am beginning to search for the right Medicare option for me and my wife, who is having breast cancer treatment at a local cancer facility. Her cancer drugs are expensive, and I am concerned about the Medicare Part D out of pocket. I am a diabetic and using the flex pen...

How To Relax In The Evenings After A Busy Day at Work

UNITED STATES—In today's fast-paced world, unwinding after a long day at work is essential for maintaining overall well-being. So, here are some of the most effective methods to help you relax and recharge in the evenings. Meditate Incorporating meditation into your evening routine can dramatically improve relaxation and assist in emotional well-being. You don't need any experience to start. Simply find...

Should I Enroll In Medicare When Turning 65 And Still Working?

UNITED STATES—Hello Toni: I am turning 65 soon and working full-time with employer benefits. I am receiving conflicting information from friends and co-workers regarding enrolling in Medicare. Some say to enroll in only Part A, while others say to enroll in both Medicare Parts A and B. Please explain the rules about how to apply for Medicare when turning 65?...

School Threats Not Funny!

UNITED STATES—In the midst of the March for Our Lives rallies all over the nation by students aiming for change when it comes to gun laws in the country, we need to have a discussion about the issue of gun threats being made across the nation in recent months. I had a family member inform me that over 20,...

Some Of Us Work Holidays!

UNITED STATES—For the first time, since I can remember the Fourth of July holiday falls during a tricky time this year. Why? It falls on a Wednesday, right in the middle of the week. So for most Americans who work the typical 9-5, Mon-Fri they likely took Monday-Wednesday off or perhaps planned to take an extended vacation from Wednesday...

Life Changing Decisions

UNITED STATES—It is hard to believe, the year 2018 is slowly coming to an end and it has gotten me thinking so much about the decisions I’ve made in life and where I want to be a year from now. First, I’ve come to the realization that I’m spending a bit more money than what I should be doing. I...

Americans Are Getting Lazier Each Day

UNITED STATES—Sometimes I wonder about Americans, it seems like each day some new form of technology has been invented that is supposed to make our lives easier. However, in my personal opinion it is not making our lives easier, it’s making us lazier. I heard someone praise and I mean praise the notion of not even having to go...

Stop Being Innocent Bystanders!

UNITED STATES—Something that really disturbs me about Americans is our inability at times to do what is right even though we know people are constantly or always watching. Like why do we have to be called out to address bad behavior when we see it? Hmm, this reminds me of a theory we learned in psychology known as the...

Student Loan Debt Crisis

UNITED STATES─There is indeed a crisis in our country right now; too many people are trapped with excessive student loan debt. Yes, I am one of those individuals, and it’s sickening to discover that I know people who have been in school in shorter time frames than myself and have more debt than me. It is one thing to...

Money Saving Becomes Easy

UNITED STATES─I might get some flack for this, but I’m being completely honest here, that I have saved so much money since the country has gone on a virtual shutdown. While I would be exaggerating things slightly by saying the country has shut down, because in all actuality it hasn’t, but it feels like 80 percent is out of...