Point of View

Top Investments For Business Owners In The Coming Year

UNITED STATES—In an economy that seems to reach new levels of crisis every few months, business owners strive to find the best place to park their cash and invest what they can. Running a profitable enterprise is a big enough challenge for most, but savvy company leaders need to find the most profitable investment opportunities along the way. When...

Work Overload Underway

UNITED STATES—Yeah, my work schedule has been chaotic at my day job. This time of year, between November and January is the busiest and craziest. The next three weeks, I literally only have one day off, and that day is Christmas because the company is closed. Yes, I kind of hate this time of year because not only is...

The Joy Of The Christmas Holiday

UNITED STATES—Time is running out. You only have limited time to get those final gifts for family, friends or co-workers. Sorry, the budget is tight this year, so the focus is only on immediate family. With that said, I think I find so much joy during that final week of Christmas because there is so much hustle and bustle...

The Solace Of Gift Wrapping

UNITED STATES—It was a debate that I have been having with family members for the past few weeks. Is it better to wrap a gift or place it into a bag? For years, I would take any gifts I purchased for the holiday season, group them up and on Christmas Eve evening after work, I would wrap everything and...

Gaming Trends Of 2023

UNITED STATES—The calendar year of 2023 has brought gaming audiences a plethora of memorable and critically acclaimed titles throughout the past several months as well as numerous exciting extra releases and future teasers for other marquee titles that are set to be released in the coming years. There were many aspects and developments that shocked gaming audiences throughout the entirety...

Golden Tips On How To Write A Ph.D. Thesis

UNITED STATES—Getting a master’s degree is quite hectic. However, nothing tops a Ph.D. thesis. You have to write an original thesis and adhere to language rules. You also have to have regular meetings with your supervisor. And a Ph.D. thesis can be four hundred pages up to five hundred pages. Of course, you know all this. And honestly, writing a...

The Ultimate Guide To Navigating Casino Bonuses

UNITED STATES—At times, a casino bonus can seem too good to be true, especially for beginners who aren't as experienced when it comes to navigating these offers. As there are a wide range of different casinos and a number of different types of bonuses and promotions on offer it can be difficult to know which ones to go with.  Casinos...

Christmas Is About Giving Not Receiving

UNITED STATES—We are in that time of year, where the spending is at its peak. The thing people should be aware of that Christmas is about giving not receiving. It is something I think so many people forget more than they should. I recall as a kid when I got my obligatory funding from my parents for Christmas that...

Random Acts Of Kindness

UNITED STATES—Kindness, it feels like we are lacking this quite significantly in the United States nowadays. People just seem to be in foul moods for reasons that I cannot understand. Look, we all have bad days sometimes, but at the same time, you have to realize it takes a lot more energy to stay mad than it does to...

Does Medicare Cover Expensive Shots Given At The Doctor’s Office?

UNITED STATES—Toni: I am turning 65 in February and my individual health plan has a $6,000 deductible which I meet every year due to shots given in my eyes for Macular degeneration which are more than $2500 per injection. I also receive weekly allergy shots from another doctor. Does Medicare pay for injections given at a doctor’s office? My other...
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