Point of View

Fight For Gun Control Rages On

UNITED STATES—I can’t believe we’re having this discussion again. Once again America is at war with the fight over gun control after two people commit heinous acts in San Bernardino, California. The news struck so many of us like a tidal wave. It came out of nowhere and as more details surfaced about the suspects, it raises an issue...

The Dangers Of Football

UNITED STATES—Football is the quintessential American sport. I mean, I don’t know an American who isn’t a fan of the sport. After watching my nephews little league football game this weekend, I was baffled at something that had crossed my mind before, but didn’t really strike me until this past weekend. Football is a dangerous sport! The physical combat element...

Is School The Alternative Option To Loan Debt?

UNITED STATES—Anyone who has sought to obtain a higher education is well aware that the cost of a college education, a master’s degree, a law degree, a dental degree, etc. is a lot pricier than we could have ever imagined. I completed my Bachelors of Arts in English, Film Studies and Psychology nearly eight years ago. Some of you might...

Hunting Fallout

UNITED STATES—Last week most of America was buzzing with the news of Cecil the Lion, a 13-year-old South African lion that was killed by Walter Palmer. Since the news reached the public airwaves, a lot of Americans have been in uproar over the incident. A huge concern is the fact that allegedly Cecil was lured out of the Hwange...

Workout 101

UNITED STATES—I hate working out, there, I’ll admit it, but if I don’t get off my bum and move my body the list of health problems will just grow substantially. I mean I know we’ve all told ourselves at one point or another I’m going to work out at this time every single day this week. The problem with having...

The Price Of A College Education

UNITED STATES—Going to college is something that should be affordable for all Americans, but unfortunately we live in a world where money is the driving force behind everything. For those who were lucky to get the chance to go to college, and successfully obtain a degree, the headache has just begun. Yep, I’m referring to those student loans. That money...

TV Censorship

UNITED STATES—I’ve sometimes asked myself the question of rather there should be more censorship on television than what we are currently seeing nowadays. I remember back when you couldn’t so much as indicate a curse word, but nowadays you can get away with certain terminology on network TV. Cable you can push the boundaries even farther, but it begs...


UNITED STATES—In the world of sports, it seems the notion of cheating is ok. By now, everyone is well aware of the scandal involving the New England Patriots and deflategate. If you’re unsure of what I’m referring to its when the New England Patriots utilized footballs that weren’t up to par with the league. It was pivotal to many...

Good Enough

BEVERLY HILLS—It’s 6:00 a.m. as I sit here in a cold, dark, lonely flat with my heart shattered into countless pieces. They tell me I’ve checked-out again. I’d have to agree that is the best phrase to use for my disconnection from the world. I think I’m back, at least temporarily, thanks to waking up to my fluffy-faced German Shepherd...

Shoe Buying Is Not Easy

UNITED STATES—This weekend I did something that I rarely do, I went shopping for new athletic shoes. When I was a teenager and in my early 20s I would probably have 4-5 pairs of shoes a year, now that I’m older, I might be lucky if I have 1-2 pairs. It seems the style of athletic shoes nowadays have changed...
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