Tag: arborists
Arboriculture Is Horticulture Of Trees
UNITED STATES—Recently wintry weather is a reminder that large trees require maintenance. Otherwise, some are likely to eventually drop limbs or blow over. Even...
Trees Naturally Dominate Their Gardens
UNITED STATES—Trees are generally the most significant living components within a home garden. Even treeless gardens benefit from nearby trees. Some old redwoods contain...
Coppice To Renovate Overgrown Shrubbery
UNITED STATES—Pollarding is extreme pruning. It removes all but the most substantial of limbs and trunks. Coppicing is even more extreme. It leaves only...
ISA Certified Arborists Know Trees
UNITED STATES—Arborists are horticulturists. They just happen to be more specialized than most. Many or most other horticulturists work with flora that they engage...
Limb Failure Of Spontaneous Nature
UNITED STATES—Winter storms sometimes break limbs or topple trees. Such damage is no surprise during winter because that is when almost all windy weather...
Tree Surgeons Evolved Into Arborists
UNITED STATES—Arborists are very specialized horticulturists. They prefer to work with trees. Of course that is not as simple as it sounds. Some are...
Arborists Maintain The Big Trees
UNITED STATES—The trees know what time of year it is. Even evergreen trees have shed some of their older foliage through late summer. Deciduous...
Arborists Are Modern Tree Surgeons
UNITED STATES—The terminology has certainly changed over the years. Not many of us remember what tree surgeons were, or that there were actually a...
Spontaneous Limb Failure Is Real
UNITED STATES—It sounds like science fiction, but it is not. Every spring and during particular summer weather, limbs can fall from trees without warning,...
Arborists Are Very Specialized Horticulturists
UNITED STATES—The first storm of the year has a way of reminding us if our trees need attention. Whether they need to be worked...