Tag: Arturo
JT Is Alive On “Young And Restless!”
HOLLYWOOD—We knew it was true, but as viewers, you cannot pinpoint it 100 percent until you actually see it. Last week the confirmation finally...
The Truth Explodes On “Young And Restless!”
HOLLYWOOD—What a week, what a week on the CBS soap “The Young and the Restless.” I thought last week was good, whew, the award...
Romance, Twists Galore On “Young And Restless!”
HOLLYWOOD—The fearsome four finally spilled the tea, at long last Phyllis, Nikki, Sharon and Victoria shared with Nick all the dirty details behind J.T....
J.T. Secret Unwinds On “Young And Restless!”
HOLLYWOOD—Hallelujah, after close to 9 months of waiting and patiently waiting for the secret to finally come to life on “The Young and the...
Tessa Busted On “Young And Restless!”
HOLLYWOOD—I was secretly praying that the writers of “The Young and the Restless” would not make Tessa the culprit responsible for blackmailing Phyllis, Victoria,...
Conjoined Twins Separated At Stanford Hospital
PALO ALTO—Two year-old conjoined twin sisters, Eva and Erika Sandoval, underwent a 17-hour surgical separation at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford last week.
Erin Digitale, a pediatrics...