Tag: berries

New Canes Replace Old Canes

UNITED STATES—Heavenly bamboo, or simply 'nandina,' is one of those many plants that almost never performs like it should. The intricately lacy foliage is...

Fruit For Jellin’ Like A Melon

UNITED STATES—Jelly and jam made from garden grown fruit affords more prestigious bragging rights than merely growing the fruit. Using unusual or disregarded fruit...

Conifers And Other Evergreen Foliage

UNITED STATES—'Conifer' and 'evergreen' are almost synonymous. Of the two, 'evergreen' is the more familiar term. Some people do not know what a 'conifer'...

Colorful Autumn And Winter Berries

  UNITED STATES—Before the colorful foliage of autumn falls and gets raked away, a few types of berries and fruit start to provide a bit...

Winter berries provide more color as autumn foliar color finishes.

Seasonal color is as variable as the weather. Just as the many different spring flowers bloom differently every spring, and the autumn foliage color...
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