Tag: commitment

Restart, Reboot, But Do Not Give Up

UNITED STATES—So 2022 has arrived, and less than 4 years into the year I broke a resolution that I had already set for myself....

Career Goals For 2022

UNITED STATES—I have to admit both 2021 and 2022 has been a blur to me a bit with the pandemic changing so many Americans...

Cooking Commitment

UNITED STATES—I made a pact with myself last week that I was going to head to the grocery store and cook dinner EVERY single...

Exercise Starts With A Commitment

UNITED STATES—Commitment. It is a word that many of us fear. However, it is a commitment that pushes us to accomplish things that we...

Facebook Will Invest $150 Million In Affordable Housing

SAN FRANCISCO — On Wednesday, December 9, Facebook announced plans to invest $150 million in affordable housing for the lowest-income residents in the Bay...

Chip Kelly Not Interested In Coaching Oregon

SAN FRANCISCO—On Wednesday, December 7, San Francisco 49ers Coach Chip Kelly expressed his lack of interested in returning to the University of Oregon to...
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