Tag: flowers

These Bulbs Are Not Incandescent

UNITED STATES—It may seem to be too early to be concerned with narcissus, daffodil and grape hyacinth, but this is when their bulbs go...

October Brings Cool Season Annuals

UNITED STATES—As the name implies, 'annuals' need to be replaced 'annually'. What is worse is that they do not even function for an entire...

Color Wanes As Summer Ends

UNITED STATES—Black-eyed Susan, sunflowers and a few of the late warm season annuals and perennials are still blooming, and a few will continue into...

Cheerful Flowers Rarely Feel Blue

UNITED STATES—Blue must be unpopular with the more common of pollinators. After all, colorful flowers are designed to attract some sort of vector to...

Summer Annuals Are Grateful For Deadheading

UNITED STATES—So many of the pretty warm season annuals planted last spring are now at their best. Sweet alyssum, lobelia, verbena, moss rose and...

Fragrant Flowers Often Lack Color

UNITED STATES—It's presumptuous to believe that all the fancy breeding that is done to enhance the characteristics of flowers necessarily 'improves' them. Breeding only...

Flowering Fruit Trees Without Fruit

UNITED STATES—All of the popular fruit trees produce flowers. Otherwise, they could not produce fruit. The stone fruits, such as almond, apricot, cherry, peach,...

Blossoms Bloom Sooner If Forced

UNITED STATES—Pussywillow is an odd cut flower. It is neither fragrant nor very colorful. It just gets cut and brought into the home because...

Knowing When To Prune What

UNITED STATES—Maybe the weather took the surprise out of camellias this year. It has been so warm and pleasant that such big and colorful...

Dried Flowers Last All Year

UNITED STATES—Statice, strawflower and globe thistle continue to bloom later than most other summer annuals, and hold their flowers longer. Even after bloom, the...