Tag: fruit trees

Delay Some Gardening Between Seasons

UNITED STATES—For gardening, this is one of those in between times of year, when summer chores are under control, but it is a bit...

Squirrels Fear The Unknown Too

UNITED STATES—It is embarrassing when my mother teaches me a practical gardening technique that I should have known about, especially if the particular technique...

Get bare in winter.

It may not seem like the middle of winter is a good time for much gardening, but now that any unsold Christmas trees have...

The fruits of our labor

The vast orchards of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys are there for a reason. California is one of the best place in the...

Grafting fact and fiction

There are not many Californians of my generation who do not remember growing avocado trees from seeds when we were kids. We simply impaled...

Early pruning may have advantages

As long as it gets done well before buds begin to swell late in winter, the meticulous and specialized pruning that deciduous fruit trees...
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