Tag: heat

Excessive Heatwaves

UNITED STATES—A vast majority of the United States has been dealing with some extreme heat lately. For me I have never and will never...

Dog Days Of Summer Warmth

UNITED STATES—Summer began more than a week ago. Subsequently, the dog days of summer continue from the third of July to the eleventh of...

Humidity Is The Other Weather

UNITED STATES—It is difficult to always ignore the weather. Regardless of how pleasant it typically is here, it sometimes gets warm or cool. It...

There Is A Reason I Hate Summer

UNITED STATES─Since I was a kid, I have never been a fan of summer. When we get into the months of June, July and...

Summer Turns Up The Heat

UNITED STATES—Does the heat seem to have come on suddenly this year? There was all that rain through winter, then a quick but delightful...

Summer Is Over Already

UNITED STATES—I tell this to people all the time, summer seems like the quickest season. I mean it’s already August and I was just...

Red Peppers Are The Best

UNITED STATES—I love all things spicy, but even I have my limits. I love the habanero pepper, but that is probably the hottest that...

The Winter Can Be Brutal

UNITED STATES—The United States has been under a brutal winter vortex for the past 2 weeks. I mean the mid-west, northern plains and northeast...

Heat Lingers With Indian Summer

UNITED STATES—It is still too early to say if, or for how long, warm Indian Summer weather will linger into what should be autumn....

Things Heat Up In Summer

UNITED STATES—This does not seem like such a mild climate when it is difficult to distinguish between the time and the temperature on a...
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