Tag: Lazy

Being Lazy Is Ok Sometimes

UNITED STATES—I will be the first to say that I am not a fan of lazy individuals and when I say lazy, I guess...

Lazy Worker Fatigue

UNITED STATES—I really don’t know how to say this, but I have a major pet peeve when it comes to lazy people. I guess...

Fed Up With Lazy Employees

UNITED STATES—I can say that I have officially reached my tolerance level of dealing with people who are lazy, especially in the workplace. I...

Lazy Beyond Words Can Explain

UNITED STATES─Since I’ve started working I have never been a fan of people who are lazy. I know I should not care about what...

Americans Are Getting Lazier Each Day

UNITED STATES—Sometimes I wonder about Americans, it seems like each day some new form of technology has been invented that is supposed to make...

Pure Frustration

UNITED STATES—I know I’m not the only person who has experienced this, where you have a day or a week that you are absolutely...

The Generation That Does Nothing

UNITED STATES—As parents have we become soft? What happened between the 80s and 90s, where there has been such a massive drop in a...

Lazy Workers

UNITED STATES—What is it about Americans being so lazy nowadays? It seems like no matter what you do, getting people to actively do their...

The Art Of Being Lazy

UNITED STATES—When it comes to lying some people say there is an art to it. There are those who are good liars and then...
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