Tag: Medicare

Changes To Plan F Caused Medicare Supplement Premiums Rise!

UNITED STATES—Toni: We have received a 20 percent increase in our Plan F Medicare Supplement. I am a 70-year-old female in decent health, but...

Marketing During Medicare Annual Enrollment Is Stressful!!

UNITED STATES—Toni: I just received a phone call saying there is a federal law that I change my Medicare during Medicare’s Annual Enrollment?  The...

Why Is My Medicare Part B Premium Costing $723?

UNITED STATES—Toni: My Medicare began on August 1st and on September 3rd I received my first bill which is $723 for my Medicare Part...

Are You Prepared for An Unexpected Accident Or Illness?

UNITED STATES—Hi Toni: Recently, I had a bad car wreck and ended up in the hospital with only a minor concussion from hitting the...

Enrolled In Part B…Receiving Part D Penalty…Why?

UNITED STATES—Hello Toni: I turned 65 in August 2018, continued to work full-time with company benefits, until I was laid off on May 10...

Baby Boomers Trying To Understand Medicare?

UNITED STATES─Toni: I am a confused Baby Boomer who needs to make my Medicare decision this October when I turn 65. I am current...

Does Medicare Cover “Expensive” Injections At Doctor’s Office?

UNITED STATES─Toni: I have been laid off this week with my current employer’s benefits ending August 31.  I turn 65 in August and will...

Need Help Selecting Right Medicare Advantage Plan For Mom!

UNITED STATES─Dear Toni: My mother has recently been laid off and losing her company benefits effective August 1.  I need help finding a Medicare...

Did Medicare Call My Mom About COVID-19 Tests Or Was This...

UNITED STATES—Hello Toni: Yesterday, a representative from Medicare called my mother asking all types of personal questions to provide her with testing supplies for...

Doctor’s Advice…Get Traditional Medicare…What’s That?

UNITED STATES─Good Morning Toni: Have been reading your column for over a year and now I need some Medicare help. I am retiring and...