Tag: Octavia Spencer
“Ma” Is Quite Unnerving, Frenetic Fun
HOLLYWOOD—It is Oscar-winner Octavia Spencer in a role unlike anything we’ve seen her in before. I had to take a moment to come to...
“The Shape Of Water” Is Stellar Filmmaking
HOLLYWOOD—Director Guillermo del Toro is responsible for some amazing films during his career like “Pan’s Labyrinth,” “Hellboy” and “Pacific Rim.” I actually first heard...
“Gifted” Has Plenty Of Warmth, Heart
HOLLYWOOD—I heard so much buzz about the drama “Gifted” that I found it impossible not to jump at the opportunity to see the movie...
“Hidden Figures” Is Inspiring, Fun
HOLLYWOOD—I recall after seeing the trailer for the movie “Hidden Figures” telling myself, ‘Now, that is going to be something powerful.’ The movie is...