Tag: overworked
The Work From Home Conundrum
UNITED STATES—I hate technology, I just do. I wish we could return back to the times where we had rotary phones and landlines to...
A Long Overdue Break
UNITED STATES—I know I cannot be the only American, who counts down the days when they have a long overdue vacation that they have...
Giving More Than You Receive
UNITED STATES─Are you that person who goes above and beyond when it comes to doing for everyone else, only to never receive anything back...
We All Need Down Time
UNITED STATES—Look, I will just say it: Americans work too much! We spend more time at our workplace than we spend at home or...
Dealing With Lazy Workers
UNITED STATES—I honestly don’t know how to say this, so I will be blunt, I cannot stand lazy people. It boils my blood to...
UNITED STATES—Can you recall the last time that you had eight hours of sleep? Do you recall the last time that you went to...
Feeling A Bit Unappreciated
UNITED STATES—We all grapple with it time and time again: feeling unappreciated. This is not just focused on family life, but in the workplace....
Overworked Americans
UNITED STATES—America we work too much. I mean I have heard about so many recent studies in the past few weeks that have revealed...
Americans Are Working Too Much!
UNITED STATES—We hear a new study every 6 months noting what all Americans know, but we have yet to do anything to change it....