Tag: pots
Roots Prefer To Roam Freely
UNITED STATES—Roots are innately mysterious. They consume much of the resources that plants require. They stabilize the stems above them. Few plants can survive...
Planters Are Overrated But Functional
UNITED STATES—Container gardening is overrated. The endemic soil here is not so bad that nothing will grow in it. What is now suburban gardens...
Nursery Cans Are Only Temporary
UNITED STATES—Garden enthusiasts would understand the temporary nature of nursery cans better if they knew more about how plants grow in nurseries. Few plants...
Think Outside The Nursery Pot
UNITED STATES—A dressed turkey that is packaged for retail sale in a supermarket is not ready to be eaten right away. If frozen, it...
Pots And Pans Need Cleaning
UNITED STATES—This is getting to be cliché. “While they are dormant through winter," plants tolerate all sorts of abuse that would offend them at...
Do Not Forget Potted Plants
UNITED STATES—Aside from all the seasonal raking and dormant pruning, there is not as much to do in the garden as there was earlier...
Pots Make More Out Of Less
UNITED STATES—With conservation of water being so important right now, annuals are not a priority. Many of us are trying to use as little...
Potted Plants Need Work Too
UNITED STATES—Potted plants can be a problem any time of the year. Some want more water than get. Most get too much water or...
Not All Plants Like Fads
UNITED STATES—Like so many fads too often are, container gardening is overrated, and is actually contrary to the currently most faddish of fads; sustainability....
Some Plants Can Go To Pot
UNITED STATES—Chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, azaleas, callas, kalanchoes and miniature roses can not really be as happy as they seem to be while in full bloom...