Tag: roses

Roses Can Not Be Neglected

UNITED STATES—Roses are not for the meek. They are too demanding, too sensitive, too thorny, and without their flowers, they are not even very...

Attack Roses While They Sleep

UNITED STATES—This theme may be getting a bit redundant about now. There is just so much that needs to be done in the garden...

Everything Is Coming Up Roses

UNITED STATES—When an individual rose shrub blooms with two distinct types of flowers, it seems to be doing a little extra. It provides the...

Bare Plants With Bare Roots

UNITED STATES—Knowing how colorfully bulbs will eventually bloom can initially make planting them disappointing, since there is nothing to see for all the effort....

Good Weather Can Be Bad

UNITED STATES—As if the lack of rain is not serious enough, the lack of cool winter weather will also cause problems for gardening. Warmth...

Winter Is For Getting Bare

Even before the last of the Christmas trees vacate nurseries, bare root nursery stock begins to move in, and will be available through winter....

Prune now for roses later.

  Roses should be pruned before the end of winter. Here where winters are so mild, they can get pruned early. Just like most of the...

Early pruning may have advantages

As long as it gets done well before buds begin to swell late in winter, the meticulous and specialized pruning that deciduous fruit trees...
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