Tag: seeds
Collecting Seed For Another Season
UNITED STATES—Seed that is available in hardware stores and nurseries came from somewhere. Plants just like those that such seed grows into produced it....
Seed Of Doubt Gains Popularity
UNITED STATES—Many of us who are still sowing spring seed know the doubt. Seed for warm season vegetables and bedding plants is presently scarce....
Save Some Seed For Later
UNITED STATES—Flowers do not last forever. Whether they last for only a day, or weeks, they all eventually finish what they were designed to...
Weeds Might Produce Hazardous Seeds
UNITED STATES—Weeds are weeds because they grow where they are not wanted. They might be desirable plants in the wild within their native ranges,...
Weed Seeds Can Hurt Pets
UNITED STATES—Plants are quite ingenious with their technology of exploitation of animals and people. Many get insects, birds, bats, spiders and anyone who is...
Collecting Seeds For Next Year
UNITED STATES—Where winters are cooler, the deteriorating stems of flowers that bloomed last year either got pruned away already or got knocked down by...
Improvise While Flowers Are Scarce
UNITED STATES—Much of the color in the garden through autumn and winter is provided by foliage. Some foliage turns color as the weather gets...
Spring Fashions For Vegetable Gardens
UNITED STATES—Compared to replacing cool season annuals with warm season annuals, the replacement of cool season or 'winter' vegetables with warm season or 'summer'...
Pull Weeds Before They Seed
UNITED STATES—Spring brings out the best and the worst in the garden. While warm season annuals and vegetables are getting established, so are a...
Summer Vegetables Like Warming Weather
UNITED STATES—Tomato, pepper and eggplant plants should be out in the garden by now. They typically get planted only a few weeks after the...