Tag: spending

The Mother’s Day Conundrum

UNITED STATES—This was a bit of an odd Mother’s Day for me because for the first time in a long time I didn’t physically...

Resisting Impulse Purchases

UNITED STATES—I know I am not the only person who suffers from it, I’m referring to impulse purchases. I feel sometimes we have this...

Why Do Some People Like Spending YOUR Money?

UNITED STATES—Do you have that family member that tends to hover around you whenever you spend money? If not, I’m going to share a...

Black Friday Has Changed For The Better

UNITED STATES—It's official, the holiday shopping season is upon us, and it is time to start spending money, but you need to be aware...

Not Letting The Credit Card Tempt You

UNITED STATES—We are in that time of year where money is spent swift and fast. I’m not referring to just cash and debit cards....

Let The Shopping Craze Begin

UNITED STATES—November is here and for retailers there is just 5-6 weeks until Christmas. Yes, this is the busiest time of year for retailers...

The Holidays Are Fast Approaching

UNITED STATES—It is hard to fathom this, but in about a month the biggest food holiday of the year, Thanksgiving will be upon us....

Do You Track What You Spend?

UNITED STATES—This might sound like a stupid question, but unfortunately it is not. Money it is something we all want more of. It is...

Be Smart With Spending Over The Holidays

UNITED STATES—We have talked a lot about the holidays in recent weeks, but with that said, the one thing we have not talked about...

Money Spending Craze For The Holidays

UNITED STATES—The holidays are upon us rather we want them to be or not. So what does that mean? Americans are spending more money...
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