Tag: sun-scald
Sun Scald Happens Here Too
UNITED STATES—Those who enjoy gardening where winter weather is harsh likely know what sun scald is. It happens late in winter, if exposed bark...
Summer Weather Can Scorch Foliage
UNITED STATES—Severe summer weather is something that we think that we do not need to contend with. It only rarely gets as unbearably hot...
Things Heat Up In Summer
UNITED STATES—This does not seem like such a mild climate when it is difficult to distinguish between the time and the temperature on a...
Too Much Of A Good Thing
UNITED STATES—It was probably the extra chill this last winter that made some deciduous fruit trees bloom more profusely early in spring than they...
Harsh Exposure Can Burn Foliage
UNITED STATES—Even though the weather can get uncomfortably warm at times through summer or a bit cool and damp in winter, this is still...