Tag: supermarket

Stretching The Wallet At The Grocery Store

UNITED STATES—I know I am not the only person wanting a bit of help when it comes to the grocery store. It feels like...

Grocery Store Navigation 101

UNITED STATES—Have you been to the grocery store lately? The prices are bad and inflation is just driving me insane right now. I mean...

Check Your Receipt Before Leaving The Supermarket

UNITED STATES—I was compelled to write about this topic because in the past 2 weeks it has happened to me more than once and...

Amazon Offering Line Free Grocery Store

UNITED STATES―Downtown Seattle has become the testing location for Amazon’s first grocery store, Amazon Go. The new location will allow customers to walk in,...

Grocery Mania Settles In

UNITED STATES—How often do you head to the supermarket in a given month? Every week, every 2 weeks, once a month? Regardless of how...
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