Tag: tropical plants
Potted Plants Have Their Place
UNITED STATES—Pavement serves a purpose in a landscape. So does decking. They are the flooring of the outdoor spaces that are used for outdoor...
Houseplants Might Enjoy Some Weather
UNITED STATES—They were not always houseplants. They came from somewhere else. Most came from shady tropical forests, which is why they have such big...
Houseplants Bring The Outdoors In
UNITED STATES—Philodendrons, dracaenas, ferns, palms or any sort of tropical foliage inside our homes only create an illusion of closeness to nature. Naturally, these...
Even Houseplants Can Appreciate Rain
UNITED STATES—Everyone is from somewhere. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be from California. Most of the various plants in our gardens, even if...
Tropical Plants Far From Home
UNITED STATES—Plants can inhabit nearly every climate on Earth. They live in hot and dry deserts, cold arctic regions, rainforests and just about everywhere...
Orchids Have History In California
UNITED STATES—It is funny how so many different plants get here from all over the world, and then become so popular so far from...
Houseplants Bring The Outdoors In
UNITED STATES—There is someplace in the world for the brethren of each and every houseplant to grow wild. All houseplants do not originate from...