Tag: water

Rain Is Necessary But Messy

UNITED STATES—Water is no more scarce in California than it has been in recorded history. The problem with it is that it is a...

California Has Largest Drought-Free Area Since 2013

CALIFORNIA—The U.S. Drought Monitor has released a report indicated that nearly one-third of the state of California is no longer in what is considered drought conditions....

Everyday Essentials

UNITED STATES—What are some of your everyday essentials that you need to operate at full capacity? Is it a cup of coffee, a balanced...

Conserving Water, Energy And Other Resources

UNITED STATES—We have been told time and time again that the environment is precious and the resources in our environment are just as crucial....

When It Rains It Pours

UNITED STATES—For those who do not remember ancient history, this wet stuff that fell from the sky recently is known as “rain." It used...

Watering Trees Is Still Important

UNITED STATES—All the optimistic predictions of a rainy winter do not help with the drought yet. Nice warm weather only makes the garden even...

Ponds Cannot Conserve Water

UNITED STATES—During a drought, there really is no way to use less water in a garden pond. Aquatic plants cannot survive without adequate water;...

San Francisco Water Rights Cut

SAN FRANCISCO—On Friday,  June 26, the State Water Resources Control Board issued orders cutting San Francisco’s water rights at Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. The order was...

San Francisco Ordered To Cut Back Water

SAN FRANCISCO—The State Water Resources Control Board has ordered San Francisco to cut back the portion of the river water it routinely takes from the...

Summer Is Not For Planting

UNITED STATES—Autumn is the time for planting. Cooling weather slows plants down so that they do not mind disruption so much. Increasing rain (hopefully)...