Tag: weeding

Weeds Are Prolific And Invasive

UNITED STATES—Warming spring weather accelerates bloom and growth. Early spring bloom is now much more colorful than the best of winter bloom. Fresh foliage...

Weeding Before Weeds Start Seeding

UNITED STATES—Weeds are weeds simply because they grow so aggressively where they do not belong. They begin before the weather gets warm enough for...

Exotic Weeds Are The Worst

UNITED STATES—Exotic species are not native. It is that simple. There is nothing fancy about it. They came from elsewhere to live here. They...

Wildflowers Are Flowers Gone Wild

UNITED STATES—Wildflowers have been quite a fad. Relative to most fads, they are not so impractical. For some situations, they are a good excuse...

Invasive Weeds Waste No Time

UNITED STATES—With few exceptions, the most aggressively invasive weeds here are exotic. In other words, they are not native. They came from other regions...

Weeds Obviously Grow Like Weeds

UNITED STATES—Not many of our favorite plants grow like weeds. We must help most of them along, and give them what they want. A...

Weed Seeds Can Hurt Pets

UNITED STATES—Plants are quite ingenious with their technology of exploitation of animals and people. Many get insects, birds, bats, spiders and anyone who is...

Weeds Want To Get Ahead

UNITED STATES—Weeds always seem to have unfair advantages. While we pamper so many of our desirable plants to get them to grow and perform,...

Weeds Have Been Very Busy

UNITED STATES—They are weeds for a reason. They grow like . . . well, weeds! By definition, they are unwanted. Yet, they typically proliferate...

Pull Weeds Before They Seed

UNITED STATES—Spring brings out the best and the worst in the garden. While warm season annuals and vegetables are getting established, so are a...
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