Point of View

Having A Bit Of Down Time

UNITED STATES─I will be the first person to admit that I have very little down time in my life, when you factor in work and school, I’m lucky if I get one day off. The thing about having that one day off is I like to completely detox myself from any stressors in life. I cannot stand when people...

Return Season Is Upon Us!

UNITED STATES─It is perhaps one of the biggest times of the years for retailers, and I’m not referring to the Christmas shopping season, it’s the month after. Why? It is the time for returns. Yes, plenty of people who got gifts for Christmas that perhaps they didn’t want, weren’t too fond of or perhaps you over purchased have to...

Is It Financially Better To Rent Or Buy An Apartment?

UNITED STATES—Our attitudes towards where we live have shifted in recent years. News from the UK reports that renters have doubled in the past 20 years, with many enjoying the flexibility of not being tied down to a house, and others unable to get their foot on the ladder. Our attitudes to homeowning have grown to be more transient...

Staying On Track With That Resolution

UNITED STATES─Well the year 2020 has dawned upon us, and with the month of January kicks of resolution season. Year after year, so many of us make New Year resolutions that we falter on within days or within weeks after we start it. However, I am here to let you know that it’s okay if you have a slip-up;...

My 2020 Aspirations

UNITED STATES─I am really happy to say goodbye to 2019. There were an unbelievable amount of challenges I faced. Rather it was family, personal, work or school, I was tested in more ways than I ever imagined. Was it challenging? Anything in life worth fighting for always is. However, I am so looking forward to 2020 because there are...

Time To Save, Save And Save!

UNITED STATES─I have made it a mission in 2020 to change a lot of things to place myself in a better financial spot. I have decided for the first time in years to NOT set resolutions because when you set a resolution, a lot of the time you find yourself disappointed as a result. So I’m making ‘adjustments to...

Damage Is Done, Time To Pay That Debt

UNITED STATES─Well by now, Christmas is long over and we have started to realize that we have spent a massive amount of money on gifts, food and holiday decorating. The bills are starting to come in and for most Americans, we’ve had a gut punch to the stomach. Why such a strong gut punch? Well, we’ve spent a lot more...

Looking Forward To 2020

UNITED STATES─It amazes me just how quickly the year 2019 has come and gone. It seemed like a few months ago I was just thinking ugh I cannot wait till 2020, and voila it has finally arrived. With that said, I’m really thinking that 2020 is the year I have to focus on me and solely me. I’m someone...

Curbing That Sweet Appeal

UNITED STATES─If I have one guilty pleasure it’s the fact that I love sweets. We all have our things that are super difficult to resist and I love a good sweet, particularly a great slice of cake. If there was one place that I fight tooth and nail to resist temptation it is The Cheesecake Factory. I love a...

Order Online, Pick-Up In Store Is Amazing!

UNITED STATES─This holiday season I have come to a major conclusion: it is okay for me to shop online. For years, and I mean years, I have not been a fan of e-commerce. Why? I don’t trust entering my credit card information online, and I just like to have my goods in my hands. I do not like to...
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