Point of View

Government Intervention

UNITED STATES—I have a problem with the government.  It seems everyday that our nations politicians are doing everything in their power to control what other people are doing on a daily basis.  You were not elected into office to decide necessary “what you think is best for those you represent” you were elected into office to “do what we...

Taxes Vs. Refunds

UNITED STATES—If you’re like any American citizen who works 1 of 2 things is happening for you right now.  Either you’re in the midst of anticipating that huge refund check or you’re in the midst of having to pay Uncle Sam a hefty tax.  Either way the tax season brings many hassles with it.  For those who are self-employed...

Disrespectful Children

UNITED STATES—I do remember the good ole days. Where adults were seen as authority figures to younger generations and they expected their elders.  Unfortunately, those days are far behind us.  It’s alarming to hear so many teens and young adults are disrespectful to adults and the elderly with the usage of expletives or bad language in front of their...

The Power Of Celebrity

UNITED STATES—What is it about celebrity or stardom that makes so many of us want to have it?  Is it the fact that everyone knows your name?  Is it the fact that you are well respected?  Is it the fact that you receive things for free? Perhaps, it’s the fact that being a celebrity places you in a category...

Socially Inept

UNITED STATES—The media arena is apart of our daily lives.  Whether we’re watching television, reading the newspaper, using the Internet or talking to people, the media is an integral part of our lives.  As a journalist, some ask me time and time again do you ever get tired of the news.  It’s a difficult question to answer, but at...

Political Corruption

UNITED STATES—Politics and corruption go hand and hand.  I hate to say it, but a vast majority of individuals elected into political office find themselves involved in some sort of scandal at some point.  The nation watched on Monday, March 11 as a verdict was released in the federal corruption case involving ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick who faced more...

Finding A Cure

UNITED STATES—There were amazing leaps and bounds in the medicine field this past week.  Researchers may have found a cure for HIV in babies.  This is amazing news for the disease that is crippling millions of Americans each day.  A baby that was infected with the HIV virus had it neutralized by researchers that intercepted the virus by delivering...

Sequester Chaos

UNITED STATES—Well Congress has proved to us once again that the well-being of the public is not a concern of theirs.  They have allowed the sequester cuts to go into effect after not being able to reach a tentative agreement before the February 28 deadline. So what does this mean for Americans?  The sequestration cuts are automatic cuts totaling more...

Treating Yourself

UNITED STATES—Why is it that many of us feel so guilty when we do something for ourselves?  It’s a question that I ask myself time and time again.  I’m a huge giver by heart.  If someone needs it, they can usually come to me to get it, heck most people do.  But for some reason, I always feel guilty...

Sales Mania!

UNITED STATES—Working in sales is a tough industry.  A majority of individuals who are working in sales earn commission. That is the key word: commission. Some have a base pay and commission; others are getting paid solely on commission.  That is something that scares many consumers.  You go into a retail shop looking for a product and before you...
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