Point of View

Finding Work Without Experience

UNITED STATES—Can you believe spending four years at a university studying your tale off, to learn that you might come out of school and not have a job?  Trust me I know the feeling.  A college degree is like a high school diploma nowadays.  If you want to stand out against the rest, you have to have a graduate...

Marathon Of Hate

UNITED STATES—To all those affected by the bombings in Boston, my sincerest sympathy, and hope for a better future. Once again, we have the specter of a horrible act of hate. This time it is in Boston. We are seeing this tragedy played out the same as always: victims, rationalization, and retribution masquerading as justice. How can we end this...

Ratings Update

UNITED STATES—The Motion Picture of Arts Association has adjusted its ratings system as of Tuesday, April 16.  The new system is geared to further educate parents on why certain pictures received a specific rating.  Just to reiterate those ratings for everyone there is: G, PG, PG-13, R and NC-17. NC-17 is something that is rarely seen in cinema, as it’s...

The Draft Vs. A College Education

UNITED STATES—It is a discussion so many student athletes have time and time again while in college.  When it comes to professional sports what is the likelihood of being drafted if I leave school?  It’s not a decision that can be made on a whim; it takes time to process both the pros and the cons. This discussion is at...

Penny Pinchers

UNITED STATES—Money, oh money, it’s something we all strive for.  Some of us are much better at saving money than other people, but is it ever okay to be a penny pincher?  I guess it depends on who you’re talking to.  Some people frown upon those who try to conserve their income compared to those who may spend frivolously. ...

Protecting The Wildlife

UNITED STATES—Have you ever watched Animal Planet?  Most of us haven’t, but for those that have you’ll be surprised at the things that you learn. Just the other day, I stopped on Animal Planet and found myself thoroughly engrossed in a documentary that I was watching about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.  It was quite fascinating to say...

Skyrocketing Insurance Costs

UNITED STATES—There is an epidemic taking place inAmericaright now.  The cost of insurance is unbearable.  Now just what type of insurance am I referring to? I’m referring to all forms of insurance: car, house, health, life, earthquake, etc.  There is a type of insurance for almost anything that has monetary value. The problem I have with insurance rates is the...

Stupid Decisions

UNITED STATES—No one in the world is perfect, but there are ways to prevent yourself from making stupid decisions that will impact your life forever.  I’m not just speaking from personal experience, but the fact that you surround yourself by those who make poor decisions will influence you more.  Something that so many people consider petty, but it’s a...

Pouty Mouth

UNITED STATES—Have you ever been in a social setting where the language being used sent shockwaves to your ears?  I know I have, and I’m not the only person.  This is not an argument about the young generation vs. the older generation; this is a discussion about bad language in general.  Let’s face it, bad language has been a...

Lies, Lies And More Lies

UNITED STATES—We all do it.  Some of us more than others, but who hasn’t told a lie, I know I have. Perhaps a better question is why do we lie to begin with?  Its simple we want to divert the truth.  Hence, the key word divert.  When we lie, for most of us, we want to prevent the truth...
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