Star Gazing

Oops, She Did It Again!

HOLLYWOOD—Oops she did it again. The man who guided her career for the last 25 years is stepping down as her manager. Yes, Larry Rudolph, who helped and guided Britney Spears career for over two decades has stepped down. Rudolph said, the star’s intention to officially retire prompted him to resign. The move comes two weeks after Spears told...

Pamela, A Love Story!

HOLLYWOOD—Hard to believe that its been 30 something years since we first had a glimpse of Pamela Anderson running along the California beaches in "Baywatch," the lifeguard drama that remains one of the most-watched series ever. Fans and the critics have become acquainted with the life of Pamela: the Playboy covers, many marriages and the infamous sex tape. A stolen...

Justin Bieber Speaks Out!!

HOLLYWOOD—We all know that Justin Bieber made some bad decisions in his early teen years. The star, who was discovered by music manager Scooter Braun when he was 13, admitted to heavy drug use and abusing his relationships. In an essay, he wrote, "I became resentful, disrespectful to women and angry." "I became distant to everyone who loved me...I felt...

Super Bowl Frenzy!

HOLLYWOOD—It goes without saying that Americans are ready for the Super Bowl LI. More than 116.5 million viewers tuned in last year, according to the NFL. Whether your money is on the New England Patriots or the Atlanta Falcons, hordes of Hollywood celebrities and football-frenzied revelers will be partying in Houston, Texas. One of the main attractions of the...

Hollywood’s Not So-Liked Celebrities!

HOLLYWOOD—Is there anything that can be done to make them popular again? Men like talk show host Michael Strahan and Jimmy Kimmel are well-liked, however other actors in Hollywood are not so well-liked. Some celebrities just have their own way of doing things, prefer their privacy and possibly just don't care. Some celebrities have lost their fans, and for some strange...

Mergers And Acquisitions!

HOLLYWOOD—Mergers and acquisitions are usually transactions between two companies combining in some form. Although mergers and acquisitions are used interchangeably, they come with different legal meanings. In a merger, two companies of similar size combine to form a new single entity. On the other hand, an acquisition is when a larger company, thereby absorbing the business of the smaller...

The Times Are-A Changin!

HOLLYWOOD—Bob Dylan is not only an icon and a Pulitzer prize winner, he’s also very rich. You may recall back in 2016, Dylan became the first songwriter to receive the Nobel Prize for literature. Dylan has sold more than 125 million records globally. He has just sold his entire song catalog to Universal Music Group, in one of the...

Novels, Films And Festivals!

HOLLYWOOD—Over 200 art house movie theaters across the country protested President Donald Trump by screening the 80s version of the film "1984," on April 4. The significance of that day, April 1984 revolved around Winston Smith, the protagonist in George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984" began writing in his forbidden diary. The novel begins with the sentence: It was a...

Happy New Year!

HOLLYWOOD—10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Happy New Year 2019! What a year it has been. A year of learning, awareness, growth and maturity. The end of the year is near and there is still hope. If you are reading this, whoever you are, I just want you to know and realize, that your story is...

Madonna And The VMAs!

HOLLYWOOD—Everyone knows that Madonna's song "Like A Prayer," went to number one back in 1989. Madonna's long-time collaborator Patrick Leonard posted several demos from the "Like A Prayer" album online, in an attempt to thwart an auction of the star's personal effects. Leonard uploaded the first versions of "Like A Prayer," and "Cherish," recorded on the day they were...
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