Life Style & Travel

Dormancy And Defoliation Are Advantageous

UNITED STATES—Many plants are deciduous in autumn and winter, which means that they defoliate or die back, and then refoliate or regenerate in spring. Many others are evergreen, which simply means that they are always foliated through all seasons. What many people do not realize is that evergreen plants replace their foliage just like deciduous plants do. They just...

Day 10: Put Love First

  HOLLYWOOD—Roger, the manager of the Sunset 5, used to quote Jean Paul Sartre: Hell is other people. Listen, if you have been lightening up 30 pounds in 30 days, or even just doing half the things prescribed, you have had to deal with annoying people asking annoying questions. Not only that, but they bring their own dietary penchants to...

The Yukon Gold, One Of My Favs

UNITED STATES—There are many varieties of potatoes out there, but if there is one potato that will catch your attention because of its color, than the Yukon Gold takes the cake.  However, there is much more to this potato than its color that makes it such a delicious treat. The veggie didn’t really hit the market until the 1980s....

Eggplant, What Can I Do With It?

UNITED STATES—Some veggies are easy to comprise a dish with, others not so much.  One vegetable that may be a question mark for many cooks is eggplant. It has an oblong shape, it’s a dark purple and has a texture that may frighten some on first glance. Hey, bet you didn’t know that the eggplant is related to the...

Dried Flowers Last All Year

UNITED STATES—Statice, strawflower and globe thistle continue to bloom later than most other summer annuals, and hold their flowers longer. Even after bloom, the flowers are so stiff and 'crispy' that they remain intact and colorful until they succumb to exposure to weather. If cut and brought in from the weather soon enough, they will last as dried flowers...

Day 10: The Mind-Stomach Connection

  HOLLYWOOD—Thanks to the bounty of food which surrounds us, true honest hunger is a sensation some people have rarely experienced. They obey a habit of snapping awake in the morning and the first thought in mind is breakfast. “What’s for breakfast?” has an incantatory effect to get the troops marching and the kids off to school; and breakfast is...

The Starfruit, Its Not About Looks

UNITED STATES—This week we are continuing are exploration of tropical fruits, by discussing a fruit with a unique design. Any guesses as to the fruit that I’m referring to?  It’s the starfruit. Its name is synonymous with its shape, because when sliced it looks like a star. The starfruit is also known as carambola, which is native to Southeast...

Many Perennials Want Seasonal Grooming

UNITED STATES—Here on the west coast, autumn and winter weather is so mild that the native coral bells are already starting to develop new foliage on top of the old foliage from this last year. Technically, they are evergreen, so the old foliage does not need to be shed; but if it is not too much to ask, some...

The Papaya, A Mysterious Fruit

UNITED STATES—When I think of the papaya, I think of a deep-orange colored fruit that tastes best as a juice. Trust me if you haven’t had papaya juice it’s to die for. For those not familiar with the large shaped fruit, it’s a tasty treat amongst other tropical fruits like mango and kiwi. The fruit is oblong shaped and...

Trees Need Professional Help Too

UNITED STATES—There are an immeasurable variety amongst trees. Evergreen trees retain their foliage through the seasons. Deciduous trees defoliate in autumn, and regenerate new foliage in spring. Small trees are comparable to large shrubs. Large trees can get big enough to be prominent features in neighboring gardens. Some densely foliated trees make dark shade. Sparsely foliated trees produce lighter shade that...