Life Style & Travel

Limb Failure Of Spontaneous Nature

limb failure
UNITED STATES—Winter storms sometimes break limbs or topple trees. Such damage is no surprise during winter because that is when almost all windy weather happens here. Early storms during autumn might be more damaging because deciduous trees are less aerodynamic prior to defoliation. Nonetheless, falling trees and limb failure typically associate with wind. That is why spontaneous limb failure is...

Hurt By A Hit And Run Driver? Know Your Options

UNITED STATES—If you have been the victim of a hit-and-run accident, you are not alone. Around 11% of reported car accidents are hit and runs. Law enforcement, insurance agents, and attorneys have seen it all before, and there are experienced professionals who may be able to help you. Your options are fairly limited by not knowing whose vehicle collided...

Wildflowers Are Flowers Gone Wild

UNITED STATES—Wildflowers have been quite a fad. Relative to most fads, they are not so impractical. For some situations, they are a good excuse to waste less effort and resources on unrefined parts of the garden. Of course, they all require some degree of effort and resources. Most are neither as wild nor as natural as their marketing suggests...

Cinerama Dome Cliffhanger

UNITED STATES—A dismal jolt shook L.A.'s cinephilic community last week when the Pacific Theater Corporation announced that it had choked during the locked-down as a result of the COVID economy. It was a bracing jolt of reality, a reflection of families and individuals beyond measure, who endure unimaginable pain in silence due to the unprecedented pandemic shutdown, in the...

Plan Your Next Vacation With These Tips

UNITED STATES—If going on vacation for you has always meant going on a tour, making a reservation at an all-inclusive resort or returning to the same mountain cabin or beach house that your family always visits, you might not know where to begin planning for more independent travel. The tips below can help you plan your trip like a...

Lawn Weeds Are Low Down

lawn weeds
UNITED STATES—Weeds are constantly a problem here. There is no season in which every sort of weed is inactive. As some annual types finish dispersing seed and die off for winter, others begin their season. Most weeds just happen to be most active as winter becomes spring. They try to stay ahead of desirable plants. Lawn weeds have been...


UNITED STATES—Have you ever got exactly what you wanted? Then you’ll know what I mean. I got exactly what I wanted, she was of independent means, encyclopedic knowledge, she had the answer for everything without being pedantic, loads of energy—she’s able to go sometimes for three days without sleep. Loves dogs and doesn’t mind hair all over the place—at...

San Francisco Expands Vaccine Eligibility

SAN FRANCISCO—The San Francisco Department of Public Health reported that people who are 16 years of age and older and located in the following zip codes are now eligible to get vaccinated: 94102, 94103, 94107, 94112, 94124,94130, and 94134. Free vaccines are available daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following locations: Southeast Health Center and or Zuckerberg...

Deadheading Spring Bulbs Conserves Resources

UNITED STATES—Now that the various spring bulbs have finished blooming, or will soon, many will benefit from deadheading. The techniques are simple, and actually benefit many plants besides spring bulbs. In the most basic terms, deadheading is merely the removal of deteriorating flowers after bloom. Ideally, it should happen prior to the development of seed structures. A most obvious advantage...

Break-Up (32)

UNITED STATES—Zorba’s time “up here” impacted him as colors must impact a person born blind who gains sight through an operation. Each place had something the other lacked, the Underground Cities had jeweled towers and "up there," wide open spaces and a calm that saturated every molecule of bring. Detective Zorba dreaded going back to the Underground Cities, where...
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