Life Style & Travel

Five Signs That A Guy Likes You

UNITED STATES—To be completely honest, I’m nowhere near an expert in relationships or love advice. However, from my own personal experiences and observations, I’ve picked up on some telltale signs that show that a guy is interested. You may have to be careful with some of these signs though, because some guys will exhibit these behaviors as just a...

For Tomato Lovers

LOS ANGELES—This year spring was marked by my first ever visit to Tomato-Mania, reminding me that it’s time to spruce up the garden and make new choices now that the drought is in the rear view mirror. Coming from the east coast, it’s hard to acclimate to spring in early March. Every year something pulls my attention to the arrival...

Medical Professionals And The Deaf Community

WOODLAND HILLS—In today’s society, there appears to be a gap between the Deaf community and medical professionals. Depending on the medical professional, there can be a gap or a bridge between the practitioner and the Deaf community. As claimed by a local elementary teacher of a D/HH class who wishes to remain anonymous, their audiologist, who comes to the school once a...

Fertilizers Are Best In Moderation

UNITED STATES—Too much of a good thing can be a problem. That is why bacon is not one of the four basic food groups. It is why sunny weather gets mixed with a bit of rain. It is why we can not give plants too much fertilizer. Since late last summer or autumn, there has not been much need...

The President Of Uber Ride Company Quit’s

Ride Company
SAN FRANCISCO-  Uber president Jeff Jones, a marketing expert who joined the Uber ride company six months ago. To help soften and improved Uber's current controversial image image, has quit. While the past months has been difficult for the ride company. With its claims of discrimination and sexual harassment,  Jeff Jones leaving its latest blow. Jones’s departure is the latest blow to...

The Commute

UNITED STATES—It was Wednesday, March 8, this year of our technological god, and my alarm clock, which is my phone, went off at the regular time. I looked over at my battery-powered analog clock, and it was lagging behind my cellphone quite a lot, almost an hour. Oops!—serves me right for getting those cheap dollar-store batteries. I leapt out of...

Summer Vegetables Enjoy Warming Weather

UNITED STATES—If there are any cool season vegetables left in the garden, they should probably be harvested pretty soon. If left too much longer, they will be ruined by warming weather. Cabbage will bolt (start to bloom) once it realizes that it is spring. Cauliflower and broccoli, which are juvenile flowers, will become bitter as the flowers mature and...


UNITED STATES—Regrets, I’ve had a few, but not too few to mention. In fact, regret has been a dynamic force for change and improvement. I will even go so far as to say that it is one of the secret secrets of success: of course you must put shoes on regret and walk forward with the knowledge so painfully acquired. One...

Autumn Really Was For Planting

UNITED STATES—It is easy to see why there are optimum times to prune, and just as easy to see when pruning should not be done. Generally, deciduous plants prefer to get pruned while dormant and bare. They should not be pruned when actively blooming or making new foliage. Roots are of course not so easy to see. Do we...

Lucky Dog

UNITED STATES—Two thousand dollars was an unusually small amount for a trust deed. For that amount I had sewn up as collateral the whole ramshackle six-unit apartment house on 47th St. The payments came from Gus Morales as regular as clockwork, thus vindicating my faith in Gus and his family. There came a time when I would leave Los Angeles...