Labor Week

All Lives Matter

UNITED STATES—This week has been a whirlwind of all sorts, with the recent shootings that took place in Louisiana, than in Minnesota, but hearing that news of the fatal shooting in Dallas that left 5 police officers dead and several others injured raises a serious question in the state of America: hate is very much prevalent. Yes, we have...

Oscar Nomination Madness

UNITED STATES—Ok, so this is an issue I want to talk about because the wave of criticism has been overwhelming since last Thursday when the Oscar nominations were announced. For the second year in a row, no minorities were nominated in the acting races, which have left many in uproar. I can’t tell you how many entertainment outlets that...

Fight For Gun Control Rages On

UNITED STATES—I can’t believe we’re having this discussion again. Once again America is at war with the fight over gun control after two people commit heinous acts in San Bernardino, California. The news struck so many of us like a tidal wave. It came out of nowhere and as more details surfaced about the suspects, it raises an issue...

Hunting Fallout

UNITED STATES—Last week most of America was buzzing with the news of Cecil the Lion, a 13-year-old South African lion that was killed by Walter Palmer. Since the news reached the public airwaves, a lot of Americans have been in uproar over the incident. A huge concern is the fact that allegedly Cecil was lured out of the Hwange...

Workout 101

UNITED STATES—I hate working out, there, I’ll admit it, but if I don’t get off my bum and move my body the list of health problems will just grow substantially. I mean I know we’ve all told ourselves at one point or another I’m going to work out at this time every single day this week. The problem with having...

The Price Of A College Education

UNITED STATES—Going to college is something that should be affordable for all Americans, but unfortunately we live in a world where money is the driving force behind everything. For those who were lucky to get the chance to go to college, and successfully obtain a degree, the headache has just begun. Yep, I’m referring to those student loans. That money...

Kid Mania

UNITED STATES—Its amazing when you take a moment to reflect back on your life. This weekend I attended my niece’s third birthday party at a place that seems to be the greatest place in the world to children: Chuck E Cheese. Yes, this is a place that I frequented quite a bit as a child, but it wasn’t my...
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